The Communion of Mary
Part 1, Chapter 9
About the sacramental Communion of Mary.
Mary so loved Jesus, her divine Son, that she followed Him everywhere. She was therefore in the house of the Cenacle when Jesus Christ instituted the sacrament of the Eucharist, through which His infinite love is communicated to us undividedly and unreservedly. After having consecrated His body, and given Communion to His apostles with His own hands, as the first priests of the new law, Jesus, said the learned Gerson, sent the apostle St. Peter to bring Communion to Mary, His Mother, and the other women who accompanied her. It was about this great blessing, about this ineffable sacrament that Mary was thinking, the pious Gerson also said, when these words escaped from her heart ravished with joy: He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty (Lk. 1:53). As it had been a long time that Mary sighed after this bread of Angels, Jesus, her tender Son, wished to satisfy such a lovable Mother by sending her His body, as a divine food to satisfy the hunger which consumed her heart so desirous of this heavenly food.
The more Mary received the divine Eucharist, the more she was desirous of receiving it. We read in the Acts of the Apostles that the disciples, being assembled with Mary, the Mother of Jesus, persevered together in prayer and in the participation of the Eucharistic bread. Mary, indeed, had too much love for her Jesus not to participate, with a holy eagerness, in a banquet so heavenly and loving in which her Son was the living bread. The hunger and thirst for this heavenly manna which consumed her was so great, that Nicephorus, a very distinguished author, in his History of the actions of the Blessed Virgin, said these beautiful words: “The Virgin Mother received Communion every day, and, through Communion, she was thrilled with joy in receiving in her bosom the One whom she had once conceived in her chaste womb.” These admirable sentiments of her heart, these divine dispositions of her soul, are expressed to us in these terms by St. Bonaventure: “O Jesus, my love, my spouse, my beloved, my only Son, I taste only You, I am pleased only with You, You alone attract me! You are everything to me, I am all Yours, and my heart makes only one same heart with Yours!”
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