The Communion of Mary
Part 1, Chapter 2
Part 1, Chapter 2
Mary, the Mother of God, had to use the sacraments for the glory of her Son, for her own usefulness, and for the instruction of the Church.
The august privilege of the Virgin Mary is to belong completely to Jesus and for Jesus. As Jesus Christ, Man and God, will always be her Son and her sovereign, she will always be His mother and His maidservant, in order to love Him always, and in order to serve Him always.
Hardly had she conceived her divine Son, than the Holy Spirit created in Her a love so great and a respect so profound, that Jesus Christ alone was worthy of them. But these feelings should not remain locked in her heart: Mary had to give exterior proofs of them and manifest them to the eyes of the whole Church. |
Jesus Christ came into the world to bring to it love and respect toward His Father, and to establish His kingdom and His religion in it, not only by the authority of His word, but even by solemn acts which bore witness of the respect and infinite love that He bore to His Father.
It is especially by obedience to the supreme will of His heavenly Father that He gave brilliant testimonies of it. ‘In order that the world may know and learn that I love My Father, I receive His commands, I submit to all His wishes, and I carry out the commandments that He gives Me with as much love as reverence.’ (St. John)
On the day of His triumphant Ascension, the Son of God ascends to heaven, leaving Mary His Mother on earth. Her stay there was neither idle nor sterile. The zeal that she had for the glory of her Son pressed her to establish His kingdom and His religion everywhere, not only by her words, but by her actions and examples.
She could not give a more powerful witness to the love and respect which she had for her divine Son than by submitting herself to His divine institutions. She thus had to use the sacraments instituted by Him in His Church. By this use, she declared highly that she recognized Him as her sovereign and as the principle of all the graces which she received.
She had to use the sacraments by the exercise of humility. It was, indeed, a subject of deep humiliation for her who bears the eminent quality of Mother of God, who is the Queen of all creatures by the sovereign domain that gives her her divine maternity, to be obliged to use some weak elements for the increase of her charity and graces.
It is especially by obedience to the supreme will of His heavenly Father that He gave brilliant testimonies of it. ‘In order that the world may know and learn that I love My Father, I receive His commands, I submit to all His wishes, and I carry out the commandments that He gives Me with as much love as reverence.’ (St. John)
On the day of His triumphant Ascension, the Son of God ascends to heaven, leaving Mary His Mother on earth. Her stay there was neither idle nor sterile. The zeal that she had for the glory of her Son pressed her to establish His kingdom and His religion everywhere, not only by her words, but by her actions and examples.
She could not give a more powerful witness to the love and respect which she had for her divine Son than by submitting herself to His divine institutions. She thus had to use the sacraments instituted by Him in His Church. By this use, she declared highly that she recognized Him as her sovereign and as the principle of all the graces which she received.
She had to use the sacraments by the exercise of humility. It was, indeed, a subject of deep humiliation for her who bears the eminent quality of Mother of God, who is the Queen of all creatures by the sovereign domain that gives her her divine maternity, to be obliged to use some weak elements for the increase of her charity and graces.
But she knew too well the rules of Christian humility, having been formed in the school of her divine Son, who had taught her by His examples that the more one is raised, the more one must abase oneself, that the depth of humility must respond to the height to which one is raised. Formed on this divine exemplar, who lowered Himself below all things in order to honor His heavenly Father, Mary, by His example, lowered herself below all in order to honor Jesus Christ her divine Son.
Queen and mistress of all the virtues, and especially of humility, Mary had to receive Communion in order to instruct the faithful by her example. Indeed, in that way she taught those who wanted to sanctify themselves and walk continually in the ways of perfection that it was necessary to use the means established by her divine Son, in order to increase and advance in the ways of holiness.
Mary, being capable of growing in grace, love and merit, like all those who participate in the mysteries of Jesus Christ, brought to them the most divine and the holiest dispositions, which worked in her marvels of grace and love which it’s impossible to understand, still less to express. Thus the ardent charity of Mary, finding in this participation in our holy mysteries new graces and new help having emanated from this divine sacrament, made wonderful progress.
She increased in the ways of holy love by the acts produced by her heart which was more ardent in love than that of all the seraphim, and by the graces which proceeded from the reception of these divine mysteries. From which I infer that we can say, without fear of being wrong, that, of all the faithful who have ever received Holy Communion, Mary, being the most divinely and most holily disposed, alone has received the fullness of the grace of the sacrament of the Eucharist, which is the inexhaustible source of it.
Queen and mistress of all the virtues, and especially of humility, Mary had to receive Communion in order to instruct the faithful by her example. Indeed, in that way she taught those who wanted to sanctify themselves and walk continually in the ways of perfection that it was necessary to use the means established by her divine Son, in order to increase and advance in the ways of holiness.
Mary, being capable of growing in grace, love and merit, like all those who participate in the mysteries of Jesus Christ, brought to them the most divine and the holiest dispositions, which worked in her marvels of grace and love which it’s impossible to understand, still less to express. Thus the ardent charity of Mary, finding in this participation in our holy mysteries new graces and new help having emanated from this divine sacrament, made wonderful progress.
She increased in the ways of holy love by the acts produced by her heart which was more ardent in love than that of all the seraphim, and by the graces which proceeded from the reception of these divine mysteries. From which I infer that we can say, without fear of being wrong, that, of all the faithful who have ever received Holy Communion, Mary, being the most divinely and most holily disposed, alone has received the fullness of the grace of the sacrament of the Eucharist, which is the inexhaustible source of it.
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